Let the philistines weep
Re: The fallacy and the truth...perhaps... -- Frederick Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: beadiste Mail author
08/03/2012, 22:32:06

Yeah, Fred, I've heard that before in relation to the Is It Art or Is It Not debate:

"I know what I like" = "I like what I know" [so saith smug Philistines, who don't know very much]

Because, of course, one has to have a fair amount of knowledge to appreciate the unusual.

I think of Red Mountain and his Pig Ear bead - it's a thrill, to discover the rare amidst the common and mundane. But you have to possess the knowledge and openness of mind to perceive the difference, yes? As Pasteur famously quipped, "Fortune favors the prepared mind."

So, it may be a weird yellow bead to some, but I think it's neat. Not exactly the million dollar painting in the attic on Antiques Road Show, but fun nonetheless.

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