Another yard full of marbles
Re: Love the story! I too have garden marbles. -- birdi Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Russ Nobbs Mail author
04/13/2012, 23:08:01

I owe some pictures also...

Dee & I have been finding marbles ever since we moved into our current house some 20 years ago. Most are pretty basic ones, the kind you'd get in a tin of "Chinese Checkers." We have a couple of bowls full of them. Our guess is that the family that lived here in the 50's and 60's played with (and lost) a lot of marbles.

The "midden" behind the garage has broken pottery, bottles, plates, etc but no marbles. We think the old dump area dates back to 1900-1920 while the marble players were much later. The house was built in 1909.

As we renovated the house we've found marbles and small toys stuffed through holes in the floor and walls.

For what it's worth, our previous house with a much larger back yard that was regularly dug & turned for the garden was not a source for marbles.

We've found a few beads in the yard and in the water feature but we trace these to visits from George O'Grady.

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