Ooo! Is the carving in relief? [LATER: With a bit of caffeine in me now, I can see better]
Re: Welcom Vic -- ancient beads Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: beadiste Mail author
12/05/2014, 08:57:17

Forgive me for such a dumb question, but the lines look as if the material were carved away from them - that they're not just grooves in the surface.
As if the grooves were carved to delineate the design, and then material surrounding them ground away.
That would take a hell of a lot of work and patience, would it not?
Or maybe it's just the shadows in the photo misleading me...[LATER: Yes.]

Plus, it's obviously a tiger, and not some vague arty rendition of a Shang beast or dragon, which makes it more "real" - the artist actually knew what a tiger looks like?

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