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Posted by: lopacki Mail author
08/19/2014, 16:09:03

Seems kind of funny to me that when I post something that has a known history even if it is only twenty years I get feedback from some that tell me that’s impossible because I know that this type bead has only been made recently.

I posted a bead from Indonesia a few days ago saying that a friend had, had it for about twenty years. This friend has lived in Bali for about thirty years and he has been a world trader all of these years and a bead collector for the almost forty years I have known him. I contacted him regarding this bead asking again how long have you had it, again he told me about twenty years, he also told me he got it from one of the Indonesian traders he sees from time to time.

Rather than having people say that this brings us more information regarding this type of bead I hear that these beads have only been around since 2000 at the earliest and more so since about the mid 2000's. For this person this is their reality because this is what they experienced, for my friend his experience brought him this bead about twenty years ago.

My guess is that there were bead makers living in Indonesia longer ago than 2000 that were making very nice reproductions of the old Javanese beads. In the future I have hopes that the forum members are a bit more open to new information that may broaden our understanding of the beads we collect.

All my best ............ Danny

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